Friday, 29 April 2011

Winters Approaching

As cyclists we all dread that time of year when winter slowly rears its ugly head.  You know it is arriving when the temperature begins to drop and it become harder and harder to get out of your warm and cozy bed to go for a ride.  Although this is a problem for some I found that winter brings with it one much more serious problem.  Because although you can toughen up and rug up for a ride in colder temperatures you cannot avoid the shorter days, as precious time which could be utilized with rides out into the countryside is taken on both sides of the day.  Soon it is near impossible to get in the kilometers required to whip some butt at the next race.  It is this problem which I have begun to notice when I left the house this morning for a 40km ride, it was 6 oclock and the sun was just beginning to cast light over the Gold Coast.  It made me realize why I don't like winter, its not the cold, its the time lost which could be better spent in the saddle.

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